First Thing First

Hi, We are here to describe or show how to use LogisFare - Transport & Logistics WordPress Theme the right way. Try to cover up everything. Don't be afraid if we miss something. We are available on mail 24/5 Just mail us we will try to solve your issue ASAP. Let's start:

  • Documentation: Here it is.
  • License: Some info about the license is noted below.
  • Files: All files are in here .zip format.
  • Sample Data: Install all sample data to get a preview like Live Theme Demo.
  • Support: Mail us at [email protected]

System Requirements

  • PHP Version: 7.4+
  • Memory Limit: 512M+
  • Max Execution Time: 300-600+
  • For LiteSpeed Server: Please follow this article if you face any problem during dummy data import

Theme Installation

Before we start talking about theme installation we should know some facts about wp themes. There is a Logisfare package with two themes available. Parent and Child. So we should know about the parent and child theme first. 

A WordPress child theme takes the functionality of another theme, named the parent theme. It gives you the possibility to customize an existing theme. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can activate the child theme and work within it. All customizations are stored in the child theme and anything in the child takes priority over the parent. So if the same file exists in both child and parent, the file from the child will control that aspect of the theme. Working with child themes, your customizations are safeguarded from future upgrades because you only upgrade the parent theme, which you never edit, while the customizations are protected in your child theme which you don’t upgrade.

Why use Child Theme?

Safe Updates. You can easily modify your website using child themes without ever changing the parent theme. When a new version of the parent theme appears, you can safely update it as all your modifications are saved in the child theme. Easy to Extend. A child theme has great flexibility. It does not require writing a lot of code. You can modify only those template files and functions that you need.

When you install one of our Logisfare themes you must upload both Logisfare parent and Logisfare child theme folders to /wp-content/themes/ but you should only activate the Logisfare Theme via Appearance -> Themes.

Here are 2 ways to install Logisfare theme in your WordPress. Details are noted below:

FTP Upload:

  1. Unzip your downloaded package.
  2. Open up your FTP manager and connect to your hosting
  3. Browse to wp-content/themes
  4. Upload the Logisfare Logisfare child in the theme folder
  5. Log Into WordPress and go to Appearance > Themes
  6. Find the Logisfare or Logisfare child Theme and click the activate button.

WordPress Upload:

  1. Log into your WordPress backend
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes
  3. Click Install Themes
  4. Click Upload
  5. Now you just need to find the " &" in the Upload folder and hit Install now.
  6. After complete installation click on the active button to activate The theme.

Here is a Logisfare theme installation video. Hope this one will help you. I am going to follow the "FTP Upload" method. I already uploaded the theme in my wp-content/themes/ folder. Uploaded both parent and child themes. Let me show you:

Plugins Installation

In Logisfare we used 8 plugins & 6 plugins are required & 2 Plugins are recommended. You must install them before importing dummy content. 

  1. Elementor -> Used for Visual Page Builder. (*)
  2. Logisfare Assistance -> Used for all custom post types and Logisfare Features.  (*)
  3. Revolution Slider -> Used for all Hero slider.  (*)
  4. Contact Form 7 -> Used for contact form.  (*)
  5. Mailchimp For WP -> Used for Mailchimp Subscription.
  6. Tw Demo Importer -> Used for Demo Content Import
  7. Woocommerce -> Used for eccommerce platform.
  8. WCBoost - Variation Swatches -> Used for Product Variation.

Let's talk about the installation process. Once you installed & activated the Logisfare theme you will see a notification in your WP dashboard. Like this:

Click on the Begin Installing Plugins link that is red-marked in the previous screenshot. You will get this window:

Select all plugins by checked all checkboxes. Select 'Install' from the bulk action dropdown. Then click on the Apply button and wait. Once all plugins get installed please activate all of them. Here is a small Screencast.

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Dummy Data Installation

Logisfare is an awesome Transport & Logistics WordPress Theme. And it has an awesome dummy data installation process. You can install dummy data in one click.

Note: Install all plugins before installing dummy content. You must activate the Tw Demo Importer Plugin, and then you can look at the demo content installer option Tools->Demo Content Install 

Please browse Tools -> Demo Content Install.  Here is one live demo file available. Here is a small screencast. 

Logisfare Live Dummy Installation:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Page Builder

Now we are going to learn how our visual page builder works. We are going to build a sample page with Elementor. We have follow some process.

  1. Create a page with Page Title.
  2. Publish the page.
  3. Then Edit with Elementor.
  4. Insert Content & Update.

All those steps are in this video. I think video is better than descriptions.

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Blog Page & Settings

It's easy to setup a blog page and a single blog page. First, insert some blog items under the "Blog Posts" menu and then create a page. Set that page as your post page from Settings -> General. Configure blog page style under Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Blog Settings. That's it. Let's take a tour->

Blog Listing Page Settings:

Single Blog Page Settings: 

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Service Page & Settings

Service Page:

It's easy to create a service page. You just need to create a page with the given name and publish This page. Then edit it with Elementor and insert content. It gives you full freedom. 

Services Details:

It's easy to add new service items. Create a service Item you need the service title, service icon, and Service Excerpt content, and then publish this item. If you want you can build a Service page with Elementor. Here is a small screencast:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Portfolio Page & Settings


It's easy to create a Portfolio page. You just need to create a page with the given name, and publish This page. Then edit it with Elementor and insert content. It's give you full freedom. 

Portfolio Details:

It's easy to add new Portfolio items. Create a portfolio Item you need the portfolio title and publish this item. If you want you can build a Portfolio page with Elementor. Here is an small screencast:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Team Page & Settings

Team Page:

It's easy to create a Team page. You just need to create a page with the given name and publish This page. Then edit it with Elementor and insert content. It gives you full freedom. 

Team Details: 

It's easy to add new Team Members. To create a Team Member you need the Time Member name, designation, and social and publish this Member. If you want you can build a Team Member Details page with Elementor. Here is a small screencast:



If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Shop Settings

Shop Settings:

To setup shop page please navigate Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Shop Settings. Here you will be able to Select shop Banner, Content limit, Product Title limit, Sidebar position, Column select, Pagination, Top/Bottom Blocks etc.

Shop single Settings:

Navigate Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Product Settings set your single product here. Lets see a small screencast about all shop pages:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Header Settings

Navigate Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Header Settings here you will find all settings related header. And under Header Styling you will find all style related settings. In bellow screencast i will show all details about header settings:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Footer Settings

Navigate Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Footer Settings here you will find all settings related footer. And under Footer Styling you will find all style related settings. In bellow screencast i will show all details about footer settings:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Theme Options

Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options has lots of settings. All of those are easy to setup. We created a video with all other settings those are not explore yet. Hope that will help you.

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.

Blocks Settings

In some wp default page's does not have option to add extra content or design sections. Pages like blog, shop, archive etc. That's why we created a post type called "Blocks". First you need to create a block with elementor under "Blocks" menu. Then you have to assign it where you want to show from theme option panel under Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options. Lets take a look on small screencast:

If you still can't figure it out then please mail me at [email protected]. I am ready to help you.


First of all, I wanna thanks to all authors who made my task easy. I wanna give them full credit. Without their scripts, It will really be very hard to build such a beautiful theme.

CSS & Fonts :

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Animation
  3. Font Awesome
  4. Google Fonts
  5. Aos Animation
  6. Light Case
  7. Slick
  8. Nice Select

JS :

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Gmaps JS
  3. Owl Carousel
  4. Slick Slider
  5. Shuffle js
  6. Jquery Appears
  7. Nice Select
  8. Aos
  9. Revolution slider
  10. Light Case

Plugins : 

  1. Elementor
  2. Contact Form 7
  3. Mailchimp for WordPress
  4. Revolution Slider
  5. Woocommerce 
  6. WCBoost - Variation Swatches


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing our theme. As we said at the beginning, we are glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. Just contact us via email at [email protected]. And please do not forget to rate this theme! :)


Thanks In Advance